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Awards and Recognitions

Ruralsuite Hotel Apartamentos ****

These are the prices and awards received by RuralSuite Hotel Apartments 4*

Last ward received in 2017 : “National Award inLevel of Accesibility from FEHR, one of the most important hotel industry federations in Spain”

Our most important achievemet is the “World Responsible Tourism Award” received in 2015 at the World Travel Market in London. This prize was very important for us as it evaluates our main features: Eco practices and Accesibiliity because as we like to say, Tourism has to be Inclusive

For Ruralsuite team is a huge source of personal satisfaction being able to receive each of these awards and recognitions

  • 2011 – “Sin Barreras” award given Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and related to global Accesibility
  • Tourism Award “Reyno de Navarra” in 2012 in the category of accomodation
  • Q for quality in Tourism, awarded in 2012 by the Institute for the Spanish Tourist Quality (entity of certification of quality systems created especially for tourism companies)
  • Recognisition as a Responsible Rural Entreprise by Consortium Eder, for the promotion and creation of a sustainable company and jobs, and help to strengthen social cohesion in the Ribera de Navarra, respecting and preserving its rural and cultural heritage.
  • In 2014 we have been the First hotel in Navarra to obtain the offical recognisition “Tourism ideal for famillies“. We have passed an audit made by the Sapanish Federation of Large Families that evaluate our facilities for large families
  • Level Platinum ( highest level ) on the Green Leaders TripAdvisor Program that evaluate the eco-practices